Thursday, January 2, 2025

Announcement for March 3rd, 2013

Church announcements for Sunday, March 03, 2013

1.      On behalf of Raju Achen and the church members, I would like to extend our sincere gratitude to Rev Fr Bitty Mathew Achen and Br. Shinto David for coming to our church and conducting the Holy Qurbana. Thank you!

2.  Our church member Mr. Mathai Mathai – Joyachayans father in law Mr TA Mathew passed away last week. The funeral will be on Tuesday and Raju Achen will be present at the funeral.

3.      St. Mary’s Youth League election will be held today.

4.     Next week’s bible reading will be given by Feby George.

5.     Next week’s Lenten Sermon will be given by Prince Abraham.

6 . Sunday School Children 5 grade and up who are interested in group song competition please give their names to Mrs. Ancy George.

7. welcome the guests to our church

8.  The Mid Lent Holy Qurbana will be held on Tuesday, March 5, 2013 at 6:30 pm.

9.   Cruise:  35 People have registered for the cruise and we will be paying the booking fees today to the travel agent. So with Saji K Pothen or Ben Cherian

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