Sunday, February 23, 2025

Announcements for August 11th, 2013

Church announcements for Sunday August 11th, 2013

1. We are celebrating our Perunnal on August 17 & 18 .
(Details in the flyer)
1a.Annual Auction
2b. Graduates list.
2. Our picnic will be on August 24th at Rockland Lake, Lot# 5 @ 9am. Flyers are ready to be distributed. For more Information,  please contact to the picnic coordinators Mr. Siju Philip , Mr. Sunu Koshy & Mr. Manoj John.
3. We had combined OVBS last week. Thanks to the teachers, volunteers, sponsors and well wishers. Special thanks to our Principal Mr.Mathai Chacko, Coordinators Mrs.Tinky Abraham and Mrs.Elizabeth Kurian for a well organized OVBS .
4. Sunday school area level assigned competition (Essay &Drawing) will be conducted on August 18th Sunday @ 2 pm at  St.George Orthodox Church in Portchester.
The following students from our church will participate
Jocelyn Jacob, Amelia George, Dilan Jacob, Christine Saji
Mekha Varghese, Sneha Varghese, Irene James, Tanya Alex & Tiffany George.
For more information, please contact Mr.Mathai Chacko or Mrs.Suja Pothen.
5. All Guests :Welcome to our Church.
6. Next week’s Bible Reading will be done by Mekha Varghese

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