The Church announcements for the Week of Feb 10th, 2013
- New membership for Mr. Joe Kunchandy and family has been approved.
- We would like to welcome:
- Mr. Achenkunju and Mrs. Ponnamma from Philadelphia
- Ponnu Parackal from Philadelphia
- Next week’s Lenten Sermon will be done by Nevin Pothen
- Next week’s bible reading will be done by Tina Thermadom.
- Martha Mariyam Samajam is holding a bake sale today. We request everyone to participate in the sale.
- We are requesting members to contact Mr. George Thamaravelil to schedule monthly prayer meeting.
- Today’s Lunch is sponsored by Families of Mr. Abraham Pothen and Mr. Saji M. Pothen
- Mr. Ben Cherian & Saji K Pothen will be making a brief presentation regarding this year’s Family Trip.