Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Announcements for May 26th, 2013

Church announcments for Sunday May 26th, 2013

  1. There will be a combined managing committee meeting (2012&2013) today after Holy Quarbana. Agenda for the committee half yearly financial status and 2012 Report & Financial statement.
  2. Yesterday’s Monthly Prayer Meeting at Mr. Saji K. Pothen’s residence was well attended by our members and several children made great presentations.
  3. The North American Diocese Marth Mariam Vanitha Samajam is holding:
    1. Regional Area Meeting on Saturday, June 1, 2013 from 4:00 pm -6:00 pm at St. John’s Orthodox Church, Orangeburg, NY.
    2. b.    Parents and Couples Conference on Saturday, June 15, 2013 from 8:30 am -4:00 pm at 1009 Unruh Ave., Philadelphia. We encourage all those interested to attend these meetings. For additional details please contact Mrs.Lipsy Mathews, Elizabeth Saji or Sindhu Roy.
  4. Sunday School Church level quiz competition will be held today.
  5. There will be a MGOCSM Meeting today.
  6.  JCCR’s unity Sunday celebrations will be held on Sunday, June 23 at 4pm. The Ecumenical choir will be practicing on following Sunday’s June 2nd, 9th &16 at 2pm at All Saints’s CSI church Valley Cottage. Please join with the choir for practice.
  7. Next week’s Bible reading will be done by Tiffany George.
  8. His Grace Zachariah Mar Theophilus has been discharged from the hospital and now is recovering in South West Aramana in Houston. Please pray for the Thrumeni’s speedy recovery.

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