Sunday, February 23, 2025

Announcements for Sunday December 8th, 2013

Church announcement for Sunday December 8th, 2013

  1. General Body meeting was held on December 1 and the following Office bearers were elected unanimously for 2014.
    • Elected Members:
      • Secretary: Mrs. Lizy Philip
      • Treasurer: Mr. Kuriakose T. Chacko
    • Managing Committee
      • Mr. Liju Paul (Ex-Officio)
      • Mr. Joseph Thomas
      • Mr. Saju George
      • Mr. Jeemon Varghese
      • Mr. John Varghese (Saji)
      • Mr. John Thankachen Jr.
      • Mrs. Tinky Abraham
      • Mrs. Suja Pothen
      • Mr. Mathai Chacko
      • Mr. Abraham Pothen
      • Mr. Varghese Cherian (Ben)
      • Mrs. Abygail Thomas
      • Mr. Saji M. Pothen
    • Auditor: Mr. John Jacob
  2. Marthamaria Samajam will be having their annual election next Sunday Dec 15th. All members are invited to attend.
  3. The Family photographs with Santa Claus was held yesterday. Please contact Mrs. Elizabeth Varghese (Jomol) for your photographs. The opportunity for the Family Photographs with Santa Claus is available today.
  4. JCCR’s Christmas and New Year Celebration will be held on December 29, 2013 at 4:00 pm at St. John’s Church, Orangeburg, NY.
  5. Mr. Jacob George (Titty) will be starting new Piano Classes in January and interested parents are requested to contact the Office for further information.
  6. Christmas Carol – Sunday December 1st, we started at Samuel Daniel’s house and ended at Achen’s house. We collected $1400.
    • Saturday December 7th, we started at Jose Abraham’s house and ended at Mathews P. John’s house. We collected $2,200.
    • Today’s is family Christmas Carol day and we are visiting congers and New City, leaving from church at 2pm, and starting at Philipose Philip ‘s house. We are ending at Liju Paul’s house today.
    • Next Saturday, December 14th we will start at 2:00 pm visiting homes in Pomona, Orangeburg and Haverstraw.
    • Next Sunday, December 15th Caroling will be in Suffern and Nanuet.
    • There will be Carol practice for adults and kids after the service. All kids 5th grade and up are invited to join the practice. Any questions, please contact Mrs. Betty Zachariah.
  7. The Treasurer is requesting all members to pay their dues. Please contact the Treasurer for any further information.
  8. Next Week’s Bible reading will be done by Christa George.

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