Friday, February 7, 2025

Church Officials 2023

Church Office Bearers for the year 2023

Vicar & President Rev. Fr. Dr. Raju Varghese
Secretary Dr. Rebecca Pothen
Treasurer Mr. John Varghese
Jt. Secretary Ms. Bincy Babu
Jt. Treasurer Mr. Jeramia James
Managing Committee: 

Mr. Jeremiah James


Mrs. Jisha Thomas

  Ms. Bincy Babu

Mrs. Chinnu Varghese


Mrs. Viji Johnson

  Mr. Varghese Cherian
  Mr. Jyothis Jacob

 Mr. Jeemon Varghese

  Mr. Abraham Pothen
  Mr.  John Jacob
  Mr. Saju George
  Mr. Joe Alexander
   Mr. Juan Panickar

 Mr. Philipose Philip (Invitee)

Internal Auditor:

Mr. George Thamaravelil


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